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Properties for Sale
Featured Property
Lincoln Road, West Bromwich
iLove homes® are offering for sale this three bedroom semi detached house occupying a larger than average plot with scope for further expansion (subject to planning consent). The property is located in an established residential area and is within easy reach of local amenities including bus (...)
Whitgreave Street,
West Bromwich
Offers in Excess of £260,000
iLove homes® are offering for sale this beautifully presented, adapted and extended three (...)
Whitgreave Street,
West Bromwich
iLove homes® are offering for sale this well maintained three bed Traditional End-Terraced (...)
Holloway Bank,
West Bromwich
Offers in Excess of £200,000
iLove homes® are offering for sale this well maintained end-terraced house located on a much (...)
Lincoln Road,
West Bromwich
iLove homes® are offering for sale this three bedroom semi detached house occupying a larger (...)